Welcome to my new film blog. Most of you were probably directed here from my email recommendations. Those of you who wandered here my other means - welcome to FranksFilms. Frank's video recommendation of the week.
This is NOT a movie review site. I won't tell you if a movie is good or bad. If I think a movie is bad - I just won't recommend it. These are movies that I liked and I'll tell you why I liked them. There are no guarantees that anyone else in the entire planet will like the film. That's up to you to discover on your own.
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This week's movie:
It's a love triangle!
Real life brothers (and filmmakers) , Mark and Michael Polish, play real life brothers who suddenly fall in with a young prostitute, Penny. I know your imagination is probably taking you in a bizzare direction right now, but it's not that sort of film. I won't tell you any more about the plot. You could look up the whole plot synopsis if you want to, although I would recommend going in knowing as little as possible. (It's R rating is for language - not for "adult situations").
I really like the atmosphere of this movie. I'm not sure how to explain this. The sibling bonding, I think, is dealt with in a very realistic way. The brothers are withdrawn at first, and so you only get to know them gradually.
The few people that I know who have seen this film, have all loved it.
Maybe you will too?
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